Course title: SWINE DISEASES
Semester: Spring
Lectures/Classes: 0 / 30 hours
Field of study: Veterinary Medicine
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: optional
Prerequisites: Anatomy, biology, histology, statistic, veterinary virology and bacteriology.
Contact person:
Short description: The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the knowledge on infectious diseases of pigs, possibilities of their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Teaching is an extension of the issues discussed during the teaching of the subject disease of farm animals – swine diseases.
Full description: Student after completing faculty broadens the knowledge gained during the compulsory teaching of practical procedures veterinarians - specialist of swine disease on the pigs farm. The student becomes familiar with this type of animal, matters necessary for the acquisition of practical skills conduct medical and veterinary work in the pig farms.
Bibliography: 1. Brzeziński Z. J., Szmotulska K. (1997) Epidemiologia kliniczna. PZWL 2. Jędrychowski W. (1999) Epidemiologia wprowadzenie i metody badań. PZWL 3. Noordhuizen J.P.T.M., Frankena K., van der Hoofd C.M., Graat E.A.M. (1996) Application of Quantitative Methods in Veterinary Epidemilogy. Wageningen Pers 4. Kita J., Kaba J. Podstawy Epidemiologii weterynaryjnej. Wyd. SGGW, 2009 5. Leman A.D.: Diseases of swine, 7nt ed. Wolfe Publishing Ltd, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa 1992 6. Dinter Z i Morein B.: Virus infections of ruminants, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam 1990 7. Mayr A.: Handbuch der Schutzimpfungen in der Tiermedizin, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, 1984 8. Geering W.A.: Exotic diseases of animalsAustralian Goverment Publishing Service, Canberra 1995 9. Rolle/Mayr A.: Medizinische Mikrobiologie Infektions- und Seuchemedizin. 4 Ed. Ferdinand Enke Verlag Stuttgart, 1993
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: - manage the actual swine diseases. - manage herd of swine and knows the duty of veterinary service. - issues in the use of antibiotics agents and is able to use a vaccines in swine herd. Skills: - make epizootic investigation and recognize disease. - collect samples for further investigation. - prepare and use antibiotics agents in appropriate way in swine herd. - prepare vaccination programs. Social competences: - shows responsibility for his decisions in respect of humans and animals
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Final grade is the grade obtained from the final test (100%) covering every subject, carried out during the course.

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